Search Results (4)

التنمية المستدامة والتحول التكنولوجي والرقمي وعلاقتهما برؤية مصر 2030

التنمية المستدامة والتحول التكنولوجي والرقمي وعلاقتهما برؤية مصر 2030

يمثل التطور السريع لتكنولوجيا المعلومات أحد الاتجاهات العالمية التي لها آثار كبيرة علي التنمية المستدامة، حيث أدي الي ابتكار تقنيات ثورية ياتري ماهي؟ Read More

Hagar Abdel Ghany, Chief Marketing Officer, AtenTEC

Business Process and Digital Transformation (Part-2)

Business Process and Digital Transformation (Part-2)

We continue the series of “Business Process and DT”. In this article, we will dig into how DT will manipulate purchasing department issuing of RFQ. Read More

Eng. Hany Mamdouh, AtenTEC CEO

Business Process and Digital Transformation

Business Process and Digital Transformation

Now let’s examine how digital transformation can affect the discussed business process by adopting new technology. Read More

Eng. Hany Mamdouh, AtenTEC CEO

What is Digital Transformation (DT)?

Digital Transformation (DT)

What is Digital Transformation (DT)? and is using a calculator for daily calculations rank a company higher on the Digital Transformation scale? Read More

Eng. Hany Mamdouh, AtenTEC CEO

we care about your business's success and continuity.

We understand that business owners, startups, and decision-makers are interested in investing in new technologies like software programs, websites, and apps here’s the suitable way for you to do it.

AtenTEC chief marketing officer Hagar Abdel Ghany avatar
Hagar Abdel Ghany
Chief Marketing Officer, AtenTEC